Thursday, January 10, 2008

Throwing Tantrums!

Asher had earlier thrown his tantrums again. This few days he had been exhibiting this behaviour and I thought perhaps he had reached another milestones - exerting his preference, and telling us that,"hey, I have my views too.".

Many of us have heard of the "terrible twos", which one of my buddy girlfriend, Mokkie, had experience with her now 5 years old girl. At that time, when I heard her experience, I quickly went to get a few books on parenting toddlers and managing tantrums, hoping to learn something to tackle "the tantrums". I was a little 'desperate' since I have two and that would mean "doubling the tantrums". If Ash and Gwy are both going to throw tantrums at the same time, I am adamant that I will flared up and go crazy.

I found a rather useful book - "The emotional life of a toddler", which trys to explain the rational and reasons behind certain tantrums, how to tackle them if it happens. Interestingly, after reading the book, I was more aware of their emotions and began to understand what was on their mind. So during the twins' late toddlers years (2-3 years old), things were rather "peaceful".

But kid's flaring tantrum is always a time to practise your tolerability and train your patience!

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