Friday, February 1, 2008

The twins' friends call me Mommy!

Everytime I went to the childcare centre, either to send or bring the twins home, their group of friends will all crowd around me and start talking to me.

They will begin calling me,"Mommy, mommy,....... I have this or that at home" or sort of complaining to me,"Mommy, mommy, Asher and Gwyneth used the crayons to draw on my T-shirt.....". One or two of them will even piggy back on me when I happened to squat down. It is kinda of interesting because their friends simply do not call the other parents the same. Once a grandparent even asked her granddaughter,"Is she your mommy, why did you call her mommy?".

Actually, I do not have a clear reason or idea why the twins' friends called me Mommy. Perhaps in the initial period when helping the twins to settle in the childcare centre, some of their friends got familiar with me when I went with them to a few excursion trips? Or maybe I speak in the kids' lingo and seems to be always listening to them? Nevertheless, it is a good feeling and you suddenly feel as if you have a bunch of kids "idolising" you. *wink*

Gwyneth and Asher are aware of this and sometimes they will protest to their friends,"She is not your mommy! She is my mommy!". And both will start pulling me away from them. *smile* What a silly fun!



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